Friday, December 31, 2010

10 for 2010

As 2010 draws by to a close, I thought it would be nice to look back at the year that is about to pass in about 9 hours. Honestly, it was a challenging year and I barely got by, the word for it, "I survived!" and that is enough reason to be thankful. So here is my list : Highlights: 10 for 2010. =)

1. Thankful for Gods Sovereignty over a matter that would have compromised our beliefs but God pulled through and His will was done. It wasn't easy, it was painful but there was peace and an overflow of love. Praise Him.

2. Thankful for a new Leadership Group under Jenn and new sisters in Faith.

3. Thankful for my T.G.I.M. group - my Monday family. For the new friends who are now part of our family and for the rest who are growing in faith and in their love for God. May this family keep growing and may our ties be stronger.

4. Thankful that I passed my written comprehensive exam. I am still not done and am honestly getting frustrated for the delay but Gods timing is always the perfect time. I hope to finish and pass my project paper the soonest and graduate and move on.

5. Thankful for the privilege of leading my ministry (crafts for children's church) and the faithful volunteers who are excellent. I couldn't ask for a more dedicated team. I am so blessed. May they be doubly blessed and may we continue to uphold the highest standards to glorify God for the talent.

6. Thankful for our Singapore trip last September. Grateful for another bonding moment with my family and spending some time with good friends now based in Singapore. Thankful for the experience of staying in a great expensive hotel. Indeedy, it was a favor. =)

7. Thankful that although business has not been doing very well and we almost closed down, we are still hanging on. It was difficult to let some people who served you well and with loyalty go but it was needed to stay in the game. I hope the coming year will be a better one business-wise.

8. Thankful for a loving family - we overflow. Family is always my #1 priority and to have everyone (well, not quite since my brother-in-law was not able to come) here for my birthday was really special. Glad that my sister and niece were able to come home. Nothing comes close to making moments count - especially with family. I didn't need a big party or to have very expensive gifts. Having them around was more than enough.

9. Thankful for meeting "The One". For falling in Love and not loosing myself. We are just beginning. I've long been praying for my 'Soul Mate'. He is the best surprise that was in store for me this year. God is a promise-keeper. Greatest gift of all. Yey! =)

10. Thankful for Gods grace that carried me though the bumps of 2010, For His Faithfulness when I am not. For hanging on to me when times when I almost gave up. For the hope when I felt hopeless and helpless and His steadfast Love even when I am undeserving.

" Hopeful Anticipation " - Wow! Now that was the word during the start of 2010 for me. Today, I read it again from a Pastors Blog. It shall continue through 2011, I claim! Bigger things are in store, the best is yet to come. May His promises come to pass, may breakthroughs happen and may prayers be answered. Happy New Beginnings! Cheers to a Blessed 2011 ahead! =)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Surviving Christmas! =)

Whew! Today is the day after Christmas and I survived! Woohoo! I was overwhelmed with the busy season and some circumstances beyond my control (which I had a hard time letting go of) plus I was feeling lonely that my sister and her family can't make it home. Somehow, I lost my joy and excitement and I honestly did not feel it. It kicked in the last minute and I'm just so glad it did. 'Twas a peaceful, quiet and joyful Christmas Eve. Different as we were virtually and not physically together but united at heart nevertheless. I guess its all a matter of accepting some things and counting the blessings. I'm just so thankful that Christmas is also a time when we can be with the people we dearly love and are important to us - our families. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And oh, I got a few things from my Christmas wishlist. Yey! Next Christmas will be a better one definitely and that is something to look forward to 12 months from now. =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Christmas 2010 Wishlist

I know its kinda late and Christmas Eve is tomorrow night. My previous blog was about 8 special gifts that you can give for free. Well, this is just a Wish List of things I want and hoping to get. Dreams are free. I have lots of gifts under the tree and I can't wait to open them like a giddy child. =) I am thankful for all of them and I appreciate the thought and gesture. Santa, I've been good, please don't cross me off your list. This is in no particular order :

1. A round-trip ticket to London to be with my sister, brother-in-law and niece. I miss them so and I really wish that our family is complete for Christmas.

2. Apple Mac Book Pro - I am currently using an HP and not a Mac. Ok, its a just a want not really a necessity. =)

3. Ipad - Like the Mac Book Pro, a want but not a necessity. Am i sounding defensive? =)

4. An Android Phone - This is way cooler than an Iphone. Not that I don't love my I-phone. =)

5. An  LV Neverfull - Ok, i confess I am a "Bag Whore". I think the Neverfull is one of the best bags, very practical and its literally Neverfull. I already have the Damier Neverfull, now I want a classic. =)

6. I love Philosophy Products. This is my craving for the moment. A Chocolate flavored Shower Gel. Smells so yummy! =)

7. Clean Ultimate Eu de Parfum - This is my scent of choice. Smells and feels so Fresh like I just stepped out of the shower.

8. A new watch - Oh did I mention I am also a 'Watch whore '? I can never have enough watches. Meanwhile, let me dream of getting what I don't have yet...

9. Infinity Ring - from Links of London - Its love at first sight!!!! I want this. Simple but Pricey though
10. A necklace with A letter pendant with Diamonds - Oh yeah Baby - Diamonds are a girls best friend. This is not the actual one that i want, this has no diamonds on it but its Tiffany's.

Whats on your Christmas Wish list?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

8 Special Gifts

In this season of austerity, Christmas should not always be about material gifts. The best gifts are those which maybe heartfelt and sometimes unseen. Here are some gifts you can freely give not just on Christmas but everyday.

1. The gift of Love - Everyone has a deep need to be loved and it is one of the best gifts we can give and receive, may it be expressed in different languages. We all have the capacity to love because He first love us.So freely share the Love. Its the only thing that matters.

2. The gift of Time - Quality and not quantity time. Giving time equates to saying "You are valuable to me". Sometimes, people just want to be given importance. It is giving someone undivided attention. The gift of time and togetherness also equates to Love.

3. The gift of Forgiveness - This is actually a 2-way gift since it benefits both the giver and receiver. When you release forgiveness, you let go of an emotional burden that you carry when you bear grudges. Forgiveness is a decision more than a choice when it involves the emotions. Forgiveness brings a blessing both to the giver and the receiver.

4. The gift of Kindness -  Random acts of kindness are always highly appreciated. A nice gesture, a word of comfort, a bright smile and a little help goes a long long way. Very rewarding gift as well as it gives back.
5. The gift of Friendship - No man is an island, we all need somebody in good times and in bad. It takes time and a relationship to make friendships last. You don't need many friends, you just need the real ones and its such a blessing to have this gift.

6. The gift of Laughter - One of the best gifts we can give is to share joy and happiness to others. As they say, Laughter is the best medicine. It can cure a cold or improve a mood, it can brighten up a day and make you feel light. I love to laugh. It is sheer delight. =)

7. The gift of Self - When you put others before yourself, consider their needs before your own then you are giving a gift of you. Selflessness equates to love.

8. The gift of Prayer - While there are times we can't do anything to help or we can't find the right words to say at the right time, this is the best gift we can ever give someone.

Indeed, the best things in life are free. So are the best gifts. May you have a Wonderful Christmas! Cheers!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ways to beat the Holiday Blues and tips for a Stress-free Christmas Season

The consumerism of Christmas and the stress that goes with it can really get to us if we don't watch it. We are all faced with different circumstances that may cause the blues. It takes you a usual longer time to get from point A to point B these days and those annoying cab drivers who are picky with riders don't help either. We may be faced with different stresses but we always have a choice. Here are some ways I want to share to beat the holiday blues and have a stress-free Christmas :

1. Think about the real essence of the season and Thank Him - The reason for the season is bigger than any of our circumstance and there is No Greater Love than His love for us. That is enough reason to be thankful and joyful as we celebrate the birth of His son who died so we may live. Focus and fix our eyes on the Celebrant.

2. Exercise - Do some sporty stuff, hit the gym or at least the treadmill.  Exercise will reduce anxiety and stress. Physical Activity stimulates various brain chemicals that will improve your mood and make you feel good and happy. Plus with all the eating that comes with the season, exercise is beneficial to help you not gain a pound. =)

3. Be kind to yourself - 'Me time' is very important to me and I think so is to everyone else.Its all a matter of balance and not depriving yourself of sleep. Pamper yourself. Get a massage, a facial, a manicure/pedicure. Go to the Salon to change your look by all means.  Sometimes, its what it takes to beat the blues.

4. Count your blessings - There are so much to be thankful for in life. What are you thankful for today, this week, this month, this year, throughout your life?  Make a list so you may always be reminded of Gods goodness in your life. An attitude of gratitude spells out the difference. Make someone happy too, express your gratitude. Even a note or just saying thank you can brighten up your and someone else's day.

5. Share your blessings - There are so many who needs help. When you have an overflow, sharing it with others comes naturally. As you empty yourself out and pour heaps of blessings to others so you are refilled. Nothing beats seeing the smile you put on someone's face. Pray for them, give what you can.

6. Play Christmas Songs - That is what I am doing as I write this. Play Happy Christmas songs that will remind you of good times and not sad times. Sing along with the songs. It will definitely pick up your mood.

7. Spend time with Happy People - Because their joy is contagious and chances are, they will rub it off on you. Its the same when you hang out with toxic people. Ain't it true, Spend time with the people who matter, who loves you and who you love. It will make you happier. Laughter is always the best medicine.

My other tips would include( I do this and will continue to do so in the next Christmasses )

8. Plan ahead - Plan your schedules, plan your Christmas Dinner Menus way before the Holiday Season starts.

9. Order out or Potluck - You don't always have to slave in the kitchen when you have dinner parties. Its important that you relax and enjoy your guests as well. Sometimes, I just cook pasta and order a chicken dish and BBQ and get dessert.  Planned Potluck is the way to go nowadays. I ask people to bring a specific dish, drink or dessert for our get togethers. When there are quite a number of guests that we are inviting, its a better option to have the meals catered. Less stressful even for the staff.

10. Shop ahead - Grocery Shopping i mean. The Supermarket is one of the craziest places to go these days. Literally because the lines are so long. Everyone is preparing for their own celebrations too.

11. Shop for gifts all year round - I hate last minute shopping. I feel as though I am not able to give the best gifts when its not well-thought of and bought rushed.  Better yet, keep a gift box or a gift closet at home where you can store what you buy ahead.

12. Decorate ahead - While I know for some they put up their tree after thanksgiving. My tradition is to start decorating first week of November. When the house looks Chrismassy, its easy to get on the spirit. And if you are like me who loves Christmas - it is definitely a pick-me-up.

So there... I hope that this has been helpful. May you enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas! Cheers! =)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A time to live and a time to die...

I heard of such sad news tonight that one of my dear friends who I haven't spent time with for quite a long time passed away.... and once again I am reminded how our time on Earth can be very brief.

I thought of a conversation with my dad earlier tonight when while watching tv, He asked if I believed in predestination. I said of course, all days of our lives have been predestined even before we were born. God knew beforehand the plans He has for us, even when and how we will die.

Our life is a gift and to show our appreciation to the life-giver, we ought to make our lives count that He may be glorified. Enjoy life but stay within bounderies. That is how to live free and peaceful. Its so true that we ought to " Dance like no one is watching. Love like you've never been hurt. Sing like no one is listening and live like its Heaven on Earth." Leave no room for regrets! =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Today is Thanksgiving Day (at least in the U.S.) and while its no big deal here as we don't celebrate Thanksgiving, I would like to take time to reflect and write down things that I am thankful for...

I am thankful for Gods love, grace, faithfulness, mercy and help. Thankful that He sent His son to die on the cross for my sins... I was undeserving but I know am deserving because I have accepted Him in my life and in my heart.

I am thankful for the 'new life' He has given me. A new life of freedom, of second chances to make things right and live a life of obedience.

I am thankful for all the blessings. God has blessed me with much in the past, even now and I know that He will continue blessing my life for all of my days. I am thankful for my family, my friends, my future family, his provision for a comfortable life, for my health that is getting better ( I will be healed in Jesus name). 

Indeed, I am overflowing because of everything He is giving me that I am able to pour it out to the people around me...

Just remember that when things are not going the way you want it, having a sense of gratefulness will certainly put things in a brighter, better perspective. Its always good to count your blessings. Happy Thanksgiving! Cheers! =)

Its all about Grace...

Lately, I've been struggling with my inner demons. Having a general feeling of hopelessness about some things, days when I feel that my prayers don't get pass the ceiling, a feeling of enviousness why I am still waiting while the others have gotten the answers to their prayers. There are so many things I don't understand, I'm not in control of and a lot of "why's" haven't been answered. It sometimes just feels tiring. I just feel that its not fair and yes, I do feel a 'little tampo" to the Big Guy up there.

But He is ever-loving, ever understanding and a patient Father. He can tolerate the "Bratinella" in me. And He is ever-faithful too. I feel condemned and undeserving for He still talks to me. During my quiet time, He impressed to me that if things are not the way they are then I will not be able to feel, understand and receive the GRACE! Its all about Grace.... Now I feel rotten with guilt being a brat but I am oh so thankful. =)

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect for weakness". Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. ( 2 Cor. 12:9-10)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Countdown to year end...

Oh my Gawrsh! Only 30 days to go before Christmas. The nights are breezier and longer, the traffic seems to get worst too. Hahaha. The tree has been put up and the unit is already decorated, I am almost done with my Christmas shopping although I haven't started wrapping yet BUT I honestly don't feel it  yet. BOO! I know, right? There is just so much to do, many loose ends to tie up before 2010 ends...

I don't really feel good about it. After all, Christmas is about "HIM", its not about me or getting what I want. I hope to come around feeling the Christmas spirit soonest, just letting things go and enjoying it. Its going to be a different Christmas definitely because my sister and her family will not be spending it with us and its our first without my grandfather who passed away last month but nevertheless, I am hopeful that this will be a happy one as well. I guess its all about learning to ride with the waves and coping with change when things are beyond your control...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What do we value as a family? ...

I saw this post from a Pastor in my FB and it made me think of this. What are the core values that we have as a family? Just like any organization which has a mission/vision statement, a family should also have something to live by that glues them together. I thought of asking my dad but somehow, never got to talk to him about it but I asked my siblings for their inputs. Here is what we came up with :

1. Unity - Dad always reminded us time and again that we should always be united in making major decisions concerning the family specifically. What should work should work for the good of all of us not just one of us. We are each others greatest ally, not enemies. We've got each others back covered. We are Team "V".

2. Loyalty - Our allegiance and devotion belong to each other first and foremost. We may not always agree on the same things but we know where our loyalties lie and we will stand by each other no matter what circumstance, good or bad. We draw strength from each other.

3. Time - No matter how our lives get busy and how far we are from each other, we give each other time. Giving time is another way of saying " You are valuable to me" and spending time equates to showing how important we are to each other, that we are a priority to one another and that we put a premium in family togetherness. We never miss out on occasions, Sunday dinners, spontaneous eat outs or malling, travelling, webcamming, text or a phone call.

4. Humor - The secret to enjoying each others company is our capacity to make each other laugh. We like being together even if we don't do anything special. It is always fun.

5. Generosity - Our dad is a generous dad and he gives the best gifts. He is also generous in extending help to those in need. He raised us not to be selfish and greedy. We are encouraged to share. Bawal madamot.

6. Love - We have so much love for each other that it overflows. This is where our security and affirmation comes from and we never let a chance pass that we are unable to express it in different forms. We are imperfect people, we all have our individual faults but its the love that makes us forgive and accept each other.

These are the things that I think we value as a family. We are blessed to have each other. Someday, when I have my own family to raise with thy beloved, I will impart these and more to my children ( the more has yet to be resolved... hehehe).

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Note to self...

"I am protected, preserved and reserved. " - Wow! That was a great reminder from a friend and because of this, I know I am not waiting in vain because the matters of the heart is already settled and will come to pass soon.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Real Man...

There is more to a man than just looks and muscles or anything that makes them " The Man ". Joe Ehrmann says there are three false ideas of Musculinity : athletic ability, sexual conquest and wealth accumulation. Instead, true musculinity is defined by two principles. One is relationship. To love and be loved by your family. The other is to live for a purpose bigger than yourself.

"Ladies: Dont settle for a man who can lift a barbel and a beer can, but cant lift a bible!" - Pastor L.A. Mumar


... of the past still comes back to visit me from time to time and leave a bitter taste. And when it does, I forget that I have already released forgiveness and I start getting angry, picking up the heavy luggage that I have dropped once again. Its such a pity that I cannot think of pleasant memories when I think about this person. If there is a legacy left by this ghost that I should be thankful for is that I don't ever want to be like her. Its only by the power of Gods Grace that I rely on to make the right choice to forget, let go and move on... and all is well again. =) Nothing spooky about this on All Souls Day.  

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Circle of Life...

On the very same day that my granfather passed away, A friend of mine gave birth to a baby boy. Its all about endings and new beginnings. One life that just ended, another one just begun. The circle of life goes on...

To a Very Special Man

( "Daddy" - my paternal grandfather went home to the Creator last October 7, 2010. In my own way, I just want to honor him and write about him. For sure, He can read this in Heaven.=) )

Dad, your leaving was unexpected. I thought we would still have a few years left to spend together. I never thought that last Christmas would be last and Your birthday this year would be the last one you will have with us too. I'm sorry that the last time I saw you alive was six months ago. Our lives just got busy and you live far. But you were never far from my thoughts, I just didn't know how to get in touch with you but I always asked Tita Edna about you. In fact, the night before your stroke and we were having dinner, I asked how you were.

Its my privilege to be your Eldest grandchild. I may not be closest to you but we had our own moments and I am thankful. Grateful for every opportunity that I spent time with you during the last few years - Just talking about politics, religion, music and different things, you sharing stories of dad's childhood. I knew you would not live forever and time is of the essence. I have no regrets because I know you felt it and I've always told you that I Love You even that last time in Auntie Norma's party before we left, I made sure you knew.

Dada is who he is partly because of you, of how you and mommy raised him up. Thank You for the values you have taught them which are now passed on to us. The value of keeping our name and reputation unblemished, of keeping our word when we give it and to treat the people who have less with compassion and understanding. Thank you for the sense of humor and the gift of laughter that you have bestowed on your children that has been passed on to us, your grandchildren as well which makes life's burdens much easier. Thank you for your gift of service. That is your love language and it means a lot. Its the little things, the simple random acts of kindness that you will be remembered for - How you take your children to school and pick them up without fail, how you would drive us to the park to go biking or SM when we were younger when we wanted to go and we were in Visayas. Drove Karen and Joe around to their honeymoon in Baguio. That's my ultimate memory of you dad, our bonding moment going to Baguio and back when you first started talking to me as an adult, when you told me everything that happened in the past and I understood. Thank you for always being present for every holiday/occasion, for valuing family, for valuing us.

I would like to quote what dad said in his Eulogy, one of your words of wisdom that someday will be passed on:

" Kung hindi mo naman ikasakit, kung ikaw ay sinamang-palad na maloko sa buhay, pasalamat ka nalang na mas mapalad ka sa kanila, sapagkat hindi mo kailangan manloko o mang-lamang upang mabuhay. "

Another one to quote you - I think you got this from Newsweek :

"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor."

I will always remember you fondly daddy as a simple man, gentle and kind, very patient, kakampi ka ng mga naapi. You have a good, big heart.  I will never forget you as I hear those classical music and even Yanni's, how your driving speed will depend on the music you play in the car and whenever I see a Newsweek or Time Magazine lying around for I know you love reading them. Wala ng iipunin si Tita Marie para ibigay kasi wala ka na. I will think about what you might have to say when there is a new political issue that I will hear on the news. I will remember you everytime I see a Red Poinsettia plant because I know you liked them, its almost christmas pa naman. I won't be buying you flower seeds coz you won't be around to plant them but I'm glad you enjoyed that gift. I will think of you whenever we eat good cheese, nuts and your mango cake because I know you love them. I will never enjoy my crab fat/aligue the way I enjoy it whenever we ate crab (wala na akong ka-share eh) together. Thank you for the memories that I will look back to. You lived a full life. Its time to rest and go home to the place that was prepared for you since the beginning of time.

But you will live on dad. Your legacy shall go on. What you have imparted to your children has been imparted to us and I guarantee that it will be imparted to the next generation.  I Love You Daddy! Till we meet again someday. Please watch over us. Cheers!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Just for Laughs... =)

There are new entries with the old entries in circulation in the past on the amusing names of businesses here in RP.

• A parlor in San Juan: Cut & Face

• A wholesaler of balut in Sto. Tomas, Batangas:  Starduck  
• A small Internet café:  Cafe Pindot
• A laundry in Manila:  Summa Cum Laundry
• A noodle restaurant in Pampanga: Mekeni Rogers
• A restaurant in Pasig:  Johnny’s Fried Chicken, The “Fried” of Marikina
• A boxing gym in Taguig:       Blow Jab
• A tombstone maker in Antipolo:  Lito Lapida
• A copy center in Sikatuna Village, Quezon City Pakopya ni Edgar
• A kambingan:  Sa Goat Kita
• A salon somewhere:  Curl Up And Dye
• A store selling feeds for chicken along Sucat Road:   Robocock
• A shoe repair in Marikina:  Dr. Shoe-Bago
• A shoe repair shop along Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City: SHOEPERMAN (We will HEEL you, save your SOLE, and even DYE for you)
• A petshop:  Petness First 
• A flower shop: Susan’s Roses
• A taxicab: Income Taxi
• A second-hand watch store: 2nd Time Around
• A squid stall in a wet market: Pusit to the Limit
• A lawyer’s extension office: Nota Republic
• A ceiling installer: Kisame Street
• A car-repair shop: Bangga ka ‘day!
• An aquatic pet store in Malolos: Fish Be With You
• A fishball cart along P. Campa St., near UST:  Eat MyBalls
• A barber shop in Cagayan de Oro:  Pinoy Big Barber
• A resto in Baclaran: The Last Supper
• A party-needs business: Balloon-Balloonan
• A Chinese restaurant in Pasig: Lah-Fang
• A store selling fresh chicken, apparently owned by a woman named Dina: Dina Fresh Chicken
• A Hair Salon in Makati: Hair We Go Again          
*  A beauty  shop  at  Global  City  specializing  in  manicure  &  pedicure services : Papa Foot Spa  Ka                                        
* A  skin &  face-care  saloon  in  Pasay  City :  Doble-Cara Skin Care          

Iba talaga mag-isip ang pinoy - very creative! =)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Left Behind...

Sigh.... and another sigh....  A few hours ago, we sent off my brother to visit my sister in the U.K.. I know its temporary and time flies fast but I still feel sad about it. 8 days ago, I was in the same airport saying goodbye to a friend too. I was sad too but I know we'll see each other again and we are in touch via FB. I know it will be the same with my sibs but there is just a general feeling of heaviness that comes with having to let someone go. I don' t know, maybe its the feeling of being left behind. I don't like it!!!! Feels like a double whammy! Some days are just like this but this toughie will be ok. I am thankful for the busy days ahead. So much too accomplish. Maybe, I need a paradigm shift and look forward to their return instead. But argh!!!!! its the waiting that is killing me. =(

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

ANTICIPATION'S the word!!!!

The "ber" months have started. And while for other countries, Christmas season officially begins after thanksgiving, Christmas season here has already started. Yes, we do have a long christmas season! Heck, I started playing christmas songs already. Christmas is my favorite holiday!

Its gonna be a different Christmas for us though. I have always looked forward to my sisters six week homecoming that starts 3rd or 4th week of November up to New Years Day. That means, we have 6 weeks of Sadie and our family is complete. However, we won't be having them for the holidays because of their recent big move to the U.K. from CPH. Sad but understandable! But like a child giddy with opening christmas presents, I just feel that there will be a different wonder that this christmas will bring. There is anticipation in the air - a wonderful surprise is just around the corner perhaps and I love surprises!  I don't know what it is but I feel that this will be one of the best Christmas ever and I am looking forward to that and while I don't know whats up ahead, i am already thankful. Cheers!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mind the Gap...

Distractions can turn into Destruction if we don't caution against it. We are faced with different kinds of distractions everyday. Fears, stress, worries, anxieties, relationship and financial issues can blur our visions and the path we tread on to get to our destination. Even good distractions can make us miss out on the Best which can happen. So we got to watch out and stay focused... Mind the gap. =)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


That is my battlecry! I waited this long. My waiting should be worth it and I know I am worth it! He should be worth my wait. I will not settle for second best or settle to be no.2 because I deserve to be the only one. I don't want to be just someone's option because I am a choice! =)

Monday, August 2, 2010

Manic Monday...

It was indeed a manic monday, not yesterday but last week (July 26,2010) for some reason here in Fort Bonifacio. These things happened all in one day!

 A. A bus that goes around the global city caught fire.
 B. 2 cars got carnapped near the office of the Department of Energy.
 C. That hole in a wall - japanese resto. along Bayani Road got held up. Those responsible got about 100K worth from the owner, the staff and customers.

But God is still good. No one got hurt in the fire. All passengers plus the driver were able to disembark before the bus burst into flames. The cars that were carnapped were recovered. (One is owned by an Ambassador.) No one was hurt in the hold-up too. Of course, its terrible to loose your things but at least no life was lost and no one got hurt too. I also believe God will replace what was lost.

He is faithful! He has always been. =)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stand By...

I know its almost been a month since my last post.... Its just a busy month and  I'm going through period of waiting, uncertainty and anticipation and I can't seem to get myself to write. There's so much I want to write about though, its just not knowing how to start. The past few weeks require a lot of grace and faith. I know I will overcome. Anticipating better days and good news ahead... =)

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Time flies fast....

Today is July 01... Heck! I realized that we just finished half of the year yesterday and the second half just started today. It seems so recent that December just passed and in 2 months, the 'ber' months will begin. Where did the time go? How's your year so far ? What season are you in your life ?... So far my life has been steady. I am on the homestretch of my Academic Race and my focus is just that as it is the ultimate goal for this year. I am hoping to finish before end of this term. In 2 months to be exact. May God enable me with grace and wisdom...

Friday, June 25, 2010


Our little princess is turning three on sunday and even if she is no longer a baby - she will always be one for me. I am a doting Ayie and she is my only one. Isn't she a doll ?  Thank You sweetheart for bringing so much joy in our lives. You are a precious gift. You hold my heart. I love you...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fathers Day...

This window display struck me as I went around  Galleria some 2 years ago around this time too. I just had to take a picture of it.... I am speechless at the moment, there is so much to say about how lucky I am to be my fathers daughter, how grateful I am to have him in my life and how much I love him but I know beyond words He knows. There is a special bond that ties fathers and daughters that can't be explained but felt. HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADA! I LOVE YOU.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Who's your man?

I am a certified Sex and the City follower, who isn't? I have watched every single episode up to this recent movie version. We can one way or the other relate to any of the 4 girls or their GBF's (Gay Best Friend) at least, the love lives, the friendships, clothes and those SHOES!!! One would never really understand what it is about women and their shoes as with men and their cars.

During a recent Bachelorette Party we threw for a friend with an SATC theme, I came around asking the ladies, who they liked better, Big or Aidan? ( Big is Carrie's husband while Aidan was the one who got away). Most women answered Aidan but that didn't stop me from wondering what is it with Big that made him so irrisistably charming and why would eventually a typical girl would choose Aidan over Big.

Big represents power, prestige, good looks and money. He can give your dream life (and build you a nice, big, closet) but He was commitment-phobic for a very long time. This is the type of guy who would always keep you on your toes until he tires and gets ready to settle down which may take forever. Aidan represents the typical Joe, sweet, easygoing, hardworking, nice, dude who may be ideal to get settled with type.

While there is something about power and prestige that makes a man very attractive, I would choose someone like Aidan, a typical, simple Joe, the real one, true thing, simply settling. A relationship with a potential to grow steady with less headaches and heartaches. Agree?  Who would you choose?

Friday, June 11, 2010


Today is Philippine Independence Day! A day to commemorate our freedom from the colonial rule of Spain a century plus a decade and 2 years ago. I salute our National Heroes and those who paid the high price for the freedom that we are currently enjoying and their love for country else, our lives could have been different. Unfortunately,  this freedom have been long taken for granted and perhaps abused. Decades after gaining our independence, the love for country is not that evident, its more of a world where everyone fends for himself and is looking after his own interest.
The result of the recently concluded elections may just bring about hope and progress for our country. I am hoping that with the new leaders, love for country will be rekindled and passed on to the new generation.  I am still hoping that there will be a realization that this freedom comes with great responsibility and self-regulation within bounderies. When this is realized and practiced, then possibilities for a better Philippines and brighter tomorrows may be realized. Perhaps we ought to put the " Bayanihan " spirit alive again to work together and enjoy the merits this freedom which we can preserve for the future generations.

Get my drift? =)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

On submission...

I read this before but I can't remember where. =P It says :

" A woman does not yield to a man because she is weak. She yields because she has found the place, that safe place in which to entrust her dreams, to lend her strengths and find her vulnerabilities protected. "

Nice no? =)

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Art of Letting Go...

I was 16 when I first had to let go of my best friend to move to Guam where her mom was based. She has since moved to Las Vegas with her own family but we are still in touch. It hurt then coz I was gonna miss her big time but I am ok now. In the times when she'd visit, it would be like we never parted at all and thank God for technology, it is easier to keep in touch. Since then, I have had to let go of my own real sister and my other sisters to go follow their hearts. I miss them. I have to be honest though that it is still not easy and I still cry whenever we have to part. I always thought I would be the one to leave but I'm still here and they have gone. I've always thought it was hard on the part of those who will be left behind but come to think of it, it may be harder for those who have left as they adjust to a new place, new environment without their usual supporters (families and friends) to back them up. Of course, they have their spouses with them but that is another story.

I will have to let go of another sister-figure soon to join her beloved. No, we are not saying goodbye. Its just geography! Rather, we will hug and say see ya! Yes, I will miss her but I know we'll see each other again soon and till then, there will be chats, emails and webcam conversations to keep us together and I will be ok.

My Travel Bucketlist...

I am a certified wanderlust... I just love to travel. I feel spoiled by both my heavenly and earthly father for the opportunity to go and I am just so thankful. I'd like to think the world is my classroom. I love learning that way (Expensive huh?). It's about seeing the real thing, knowing about its history and experiencing their culture even in a short moment. Beats any world history books and any class. And its very true that you are inclined to appreciate it more when you are a bit older versus when you are younger. When I watch movies now and I see the sights where I've been too, it makes me reminisce the experience of just being in that place. Everything feels like a dream.

I'd like to share my Travel Bucketlist. Places I have yet to cross off my list. Places I'm aiming to visit someday to see the sights and to visit relatives and friends.

1. Australia - Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast and Brisbane -
2. Greece - Santorini and Athens -
3. Egypt
4. Dubai
5. Istanbul
6. Portugal
7. Russia - St. Petersburg, Moscow
8. Guam
9. Bali, Indonesia
10. Kota Kinabulu
11. New Zealand
12. Hawaii
13. Las Vegas
14. Milan - Lake Como
15.Stockholm, Sweden
16. Japan

From every place I have visited. I always brought home a pin and/or a ref magnet as a souvenir. Someday, I hope pins and magnets from these places would be part of the collection. =)

Ice Cream with a Twist

Two weeks ago we had a potluck dinner/housewarming event in a (newly-married) friends house. I love intimate get-togethers like this. Catching up, playing a boardgame (yes, we are a competetive bunch) and of course, the highlight - the eating part. I was so stuffed - thank you guys. What we brought was something new for the palette. Because its been a very hot summer, we thought of bringing 3 varieties of ice cream to share with the group. One was 'Foods for the Gods" Ice Cream that was to die for, I swear! ( Love the abundance of the walnuts in that!) Being in the company of adults, we also did not hesitate to bring 2 pint size of Ice Cream laced with 5-7% alcohol. One flavor was named "OMG" (as in Oh my God) but was actually Chocolate Ice Cream laced with Baileys. The flavor was quite strong but it tasted great nonetheless. The other flavor we brought was "After Midnight Mint". It is actually Chocolate Mint Martini Ice Cream in which I actually tasted the Martini more than the mint.

This afternoon, I had a taste of their "Strawberry Martini" flavor. It tasted great. I actually thought I was eating strawberry ice cream.  There are other flavors I have yet to taste. Now, please don't think I am turning into an alcoholic here... Thing is, I am planning to serve these ice cream with a twist in a bridal shower i am organizing 2 weeks from now. I am still trying to figure out which is best to be served.

I personally think this is an awesome unique idea. Great for parties and get-togethers. You get to enjoy cocktails and ice cream together all the same. For the Win!

You can order these goodies at Lickueur Adult Ice Cream. They actually have the following flavors : OMG, After Midnight  Mint,  Chocolate Orange Martini, Butterscotch Amaretto and Margarita. A half gallon equal to 25 scoops costs P 1,375 while a quart (equal to 12 scoops) costs P700.  You can place your order by dialing 0917-850-2702 or 502-2700 and look for Ms. Pinky Ileto. There are 2 pick up points,  one in Makati and one in Greenhills.

Friday, May 21, 2010


Last Thursday, upon the invitation of a good friend, Ayda Ursua, I went to SM Makati to check out the launch of their Crafts for a Cause campaign for Kultura Filipino. Kultura Filipino is the subsidiary of the SM group of companies which showcases and promotes locally-made products and has branches in some SM outlets such as SM Makati, Megamall, Mall of Asia and SM Cebu. Crafts for a Cause is a program that retails products from livelihood programs from non-profit organizations to help them be self-sustaining. Here are some items which I really liked.

Check these stuff out in Kultura outlets. Great ideas for your own home and to give as presents especially when travelling abroad. By doing so, you are patronizing and showing off our world-class local product (love our own diba?) and somehow helping with our economy by supporting the livelihood projects that are behind it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Hmmm... I can't for the matter think how I will write this blog about trade-offs. Its something I've been observering for a couple of years now to somehow be true and not on a positive note. I think about a friend who starts comparing himself with others and rants "He is younger than me, why is he more successful? ",  "I'm more hardworking, why is he luckier?", "You guys are so lucky to be born with a silver spoon and you don't have to work too hard to get what you want".... Sounds familiar? I hear that all the time and I start thinking... whats wrong with you people?

We all have our race to run. Our situations are all different, we all have loads and baggage we carry around with us in varying degrees. Why are you looking at someone else's life instead of focusing on your own? Why will you be envious when what you see is just icing on the cake? The good things. You may not know what is in the other side of the fence. For all you know, the trade-offs are much more than you can handle. A wife who may have all the money to buy the things she wants but she is not happy with her philandering husband.... Someone with a famous family name but the family is dysfunctional - fighting over old money... A perfect couple who has everything but couldn't have a child... things like those are the real trade-offs. Would you still want to be in their shoes?

Life is not perfect. Stop looking at the other runners of the race, focus your own and don't compare. Choose to count your blessings and be thankful for what you have instead of whining how heavy your cross is and complaining about what you don't have. Paradigm shift can make all the difference between content and discontent.

There, I finished this piece... =)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Jejemon craze...

According to Wikipedia :  It is a pop culture phenomenon in the Philippines. Yikes! Urban Dictionary gives its definition as : one "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility and online lynch squads." They say it originated from shortcuts to SMS or text.

Consider this for example : " iMiszqcKyuH"  - means I miss you
                                         " yuHh" - means you
                                         " lAbqCkyOuHh" - means I love you

They think its cute... nor it is funny.Duh? I don't think so. Its downright irritating and annoying. Very low class. I'm sorry but its my personal opinion. Don't hate me! I simply have the right to express my opinion as much as you do. What good would this do in the long run? Nothing at all. You will loose your ability to spell correctly and it certainly will not improve your oral and written English Communication Skills that will be helpful when you apply for a job or conduct business. Why allow our communication skills to deteriorate when the aim of education is to improve how to express ourselves? I think its idiotic - plain and simple and something that should not be tolerated.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Price of Urbanization

I miss the old Baguio... I miss the old Tagaytay, back in those days when the air was fresher, the climate was cooler, the view was better and more scenic, less polluted, less populated, no traffic, when there was less noise.

Once upon a time, it was an ultimate dream to have a weekend home in Tagaytay - at least closer to the metropolis (only an hour away), a refuge, a sanctuary. Now I'm not so sure. I still like going to Tagaytay  In fact, we just celebrated Mothers Day there a few days ago in Antonio's. I used to enjoy looking at the scenery overlooking Taal Lake, now it is covered by establishments. Not that there is something wrong with that but these establishments are the same ones you see around the Metro. Why go to Tagaytay to enjoy them?  (I don't need to mention what those are assuming you know by now.) Its much better to try out authentic restaurants/cafe's which you can't find in Metro Manila. My dad shared that during the Marcos era, it is prohibited to put establishments that covered the scenic view. How I wish it was retained that way! It was traffic and Hot! Understandably, its a weekend and its Mothers Day so I guess there were other families just like ours who opted for a quick getaway to celebrate.

Just two months ago, We were in Baguio - considered the summer capital of this country. Surely, there wasn't much difference than how it was last year (the last time I went up before this) but it surely was a different Baguio from about 10-12 years ago. It used to be ok to park your car along Session Road or walk along it without the fear of  having something stolen from your car or pocket. Now, it smells, its congested and filthy. So many houses in the valleys not like before. Like Tagaytay, you can find establishments here that we have in Manila. The old Baguio didn't need a mall then, now, there is SM. I'm not saying there is something wrong with that. There used to be no need for color-coding, now they implement the scheme because it was just too much. Too much cars, too much people and its not that cold anymore and it wasn't even summer yet. Can you imagine being in Baguio during holy week or summer vacation? I can't and rather I won't. I just find it stressful. I'd rather have a staycation... I am not one who loves the crowd.

Modernization or Urbanization for that matter is not bad. Especially good for the capitalist who invest on it. But there is a price to pay definitely... pollution, population, climate change and the list go on....

Baguio (Session Road) then...

Software problem?

Ok, this is nothing but vent... Sorry. Its just that its frustrating when this early, I can see a looming 'software problem' - by that i mean communication issues with somebody dear. I just don't get it how we can speak the same language and somehow, he doesn't seem to get me. Like maybe one of us is not on the same page, merong nauuna, may naiiwan. Maybe, we are on the same page but are on different books? Aargh.... Maybe, He badly needs to learn the art of listening and not merely hearing or is it me? Communication requires a process that you have to think and absorb what is said before one answers back or reacts. Its something that has to be worked on, seriously!!!!!! EFFORT... EFFORT! God have mercy, I pray we would be able to communicate better....

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Hand that rocked the cradle...

Forgive me for being in such a sentimental mode because Mothers Day is coming up. Earlier I wrote about my mom who I lost at the age of 7. I am truly grateful that God provided Mother-figures in my life since that time some 30 years ago even up to the present. One of those is my lola (my maternal grandmother) - one closest to my heart who I remember with fondness. I wrote this in my journal way back when there weren't blogs yet. A fitting tribute to this very special woman :

The hand that rocked the cradle is usually referred to as a mother's hand. In my case, it is my Lola. Lola assumed the role of a mother to us when mama passed away. She promised her daughter in her deathbed that she was going to take care of her children and she made true her promise until her last breath. Lola loved and doted on us much that she was often accused of favoritism by her own children and some grandchildren. Lola filled that void left, gave us the love, care and security that my mom should have given had she lived.

Lola is a beautiful woman. She was called " Elizabeth Taylor of Davao" or " The rose of Tagum " in her Hayday. She was like Imelda Marcos (Former First Lady), the way they dress, they way they were always made up. She had very good skin and she took care of herself really well. " Flawless", that is a good way to describe her beauty.

She was glamorous and stylish. Truly, taste is something one is born with. She has excellent taste in clothes. She wore beautiful jewelry. Her bags and shoes were signatured. She rocks!

She was all about cleanliness and order. From herself to her homes in Davao and Manila - Spic and Span. Even when she was sick already, she was forever changing her dusters, washcloth, diapers, underwear every two minutes because she felt it was dirty and soiled when its not. She gargled 3 pitchers of water at a time - no exag. She doesn't even go to dialysis without make-up and perfume. Sobrang Vanidosa.

My Lola had a personality to boot too. She is spunky. She speaks her heart and mind not minding how she comes across. She doesn't care what people might think and say. When she makes decisions, she stands by it. She knows what she wants and what makes her happy. She is strong-willed too. Inspite of 2 close calls and a stroke that left her half-paralized in her later years. She would go through her dialysis thrice a week. It was not easy but she lived through it till it was time to rest.

Lola was a christian. She was a Pastor's daughter and sister. I would see her read her bible and do her quiet time every morning growing up. She would play praise songs on the piano. Her favorite piece is " How Great Thou Art.". She instilled the value of attending service as the first order of the day on Sundays to me. (Which is why I always preferred to attend 9 AM service and I do my quiet time at the start of the day too). Lola was also generous to her spiritual family. She was very supportive to church members and gave a lot to her church. (UCCP).

My Lola had a big heart. She was helpful and generous. That is what her friends will always remember her for. That is how she earned the loyalty, love and respect of those who served her through the years. She was simply there in their time of need. She was very giving to her siblings too. She was blessed because she blessed others.

Lola was LOVE personified. She loved deeply with intensity. She expressed the highest form of love by loving unconditionally and showing it by giving one of her kidneys to prolong the life of her child. Because of her, I was not an only child, my mom was able to bear 2 more children and lived longer. Lola's kidney extended my mama's life to another 7 years. Dad and my siblings are forever grateful for that kind of love she gave and her kindness.

Lola was also motherly. She may not be the type who cooks but she took care of our needs, gave us baths, personally attended to us ( even when we had yaya's) when we were sick. She created a safe refuge where Love and security abounded in her presence. Like a typical grandparent, Lola was our "kakampi". I clearly remember she told me once before that whatever happens, she will always take my side, even up to now.=)

I was always close to Lola. As a child, I used to sleep between her and lolo in their big bed before my siblings took that place and I started sleeping in the folding bed that was set up beside her side of the bed. Even as an adult, I'd still sleep beside her when I would go visit her in Davao. We'd pray together, hold hands, snuggle and sleep. Lola always bought me stuff as a child. She would also ask my yaya to bring me to the village gate where she would pick me up and take me along wherever she goes. She did this to avoid jealousy among her other grandchildren. I developed the love for Japanese food because of her influence. We loved eating in Kimpura and Tempura Misono in Hyatt back then.

Lola also taught me life lessons by sharing her experiences. Her journey was not easy at all and she's been through a lot. I understand her completely. Lola always told me to marry for love and not for any other reasons. Sigh.. she didn't live long enough to see me walk down the aisle. When I do, I know she will be looking down from Heaven with the biggest smile on her face.

I am who I am now partly because of her. Lola helped my dad raise us up. Loosing her felt like loosing my mother all over again. But I accept Gods will wholeheartedly. I am thankful for the life that she lived and also thankful that God loved her and freed her from all her sufferings.

I will always be thankful for everything she did and gave. I had a happy childhood inspite my loss simply because she was a big part of it, trying to fill the void. I will always love her beyond measure. Love transcends even in the afterlife. That's how strong it is. The tie that binds us can't be broken and she will always be a special part of me. I know she is just waiting in the other side to welcome me when my time is up.

I miss and love you Lola. We will meet again someday... Happy Mothers Day to you!

Because its Mothers Day...

Hmmmm.... I really can't relate to how it feels to be a real mom yet. I am single (not even a single mom-hahaha). I do know how it feels to take care of a bunch of peeps - my spiritual children - grown-ups actually. It is a privilage to partner with our God in helping them in their walk. I do look forward to one day cradling a baby (not just one) in my arms someday. There are times when I go into panic mode - " Lord, I am not getting any younger... will I ever have children? " but time and again I am reminded that nothing is impossible with God. Sarah - wife of Abraham had a child at a late age ( and I don't think God will make me wait that long... hehehe). God is never late and His timing, not mine is always perfect so I praise Him and thank Him that He always fullfill his promises.

I lost my mom to kidney failure when I was 7 years old. My brother was only 3 years old and my sister was practically a baby at 2 then. Back then I felt deprived. Envious of classmates who had mommy's who picked them up in school, took care of them, bought them things. I had a yaya and a dad who juggled his dual role at the same time and I am thankful. I have gotten over that feeling of deprivation now.

Sometimes, I think maybe things would have turned out differently if my mom were alive but what is the point now? Every child will always be in need of their mother no matter how old they are. She was not physically present in every milestone I have in life nor she will be seen on further milestones we will ever experience but I know she is watching over us. She will not be there to give me away with my dad  on the day I will wed. She will never be there to hold my hand while I am in labor and when I have my children, She will never be able to enjoy them. But I know she will be there just as she is right now. Now i know... She never really left - just unseen. I feel her Love around. Happy Mother's Day Mama! I Love you.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The little things...

Its the little things that count that can pile up and burst.... I'm nearing there. The walls are building up, needs to be broken. May God heal my heart and sustain me with so much grace to keep loving. I know I said Love is a choice and yes, inspite... I am still choosing to love and forgive and trying to forget. Sigh!!!! So hard. =(

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Essense of the Cross...

Today, being Good Friday. I am once again reminded of how I was bought with a high price by the blood of Jesus. I am thankful to the Father God  who has loved me and still loves me like no other. I was undeserving because of my sins but I am now deserving because I have acknowledge His son as my Lord and Savior and by His Grace. Through Christ's act of Substitution, I am saved. Thank You Jesus for dying in the cross for me. I Love You. =)

Of Past Birthdays and Easter...

Oh I am so happy that my birthday did not fall on holy week this year. There were years when my birthday would fall on either of the 4 days, usually Black Saturday. Back when I was a practicing Catholic, my birthday was not fun because we were not allowed to have fun, we cannot party, we cannot even eat meat. ( Ooh, I love Steak!) - torture... Instead, we would join a procession, pray, go to mass,  do stations of the cross, listen to the seven last words. There were also years when I birthday would fall on an Easter Sunday... Happier times. The highlight of my birthday party would be an Easter Egg Hunt, giving away a pet bunny for a prize or colored chicks for giveaways. =)

Last year, my birthday almost fell on another holy week. I opted to celebrate earlier ( during Black Saturday since we didn't go anywhere anyway) by sponsoring a feeding program for kids (with plastic eggs with candies inside and loot bags for giveaways) then the next day ( Easter Sunday)  letting my friends unleash their creativity,competitive streak and child within them asking them to decorate their own Easter Eggs and giving away prizes... That was fun indeed.

Now I don't have plans yet for my upcoming birthday. Maybe, I will opt for a quiet, simple celebration. Its more than enough to have my family (except for my brother-in-law) here complete on my special day. I couldn't ask for anything more or could I? =)

" Me time..."

While most people I know and probably half of urban dwellers are taking this time to enjoy the 4 day holiday far from the city, we (my family and I) actually preferred to stay in. No, we are far from being anti-socials. Its just that we will be off to Cebu next week for my cousin Maita's wedding. It is wonderful and refreshing to see the metropolis uncrowded, no traffic and so quiet. I so love the quietness. I don't miss those annoying campaign jingles at all that blares so loud if i could just shush them off.  For the past years when we opt not to join the crowd during holy week, its always been the same and I love it. I am traditional but not a traditional Catholic. Well, I am not Catholic either so I have no religious obligations.  This is basically "Me time" or "Family time". Time to do whatever makes me happy like catch up with sleep... pamper myself... get a watch videos... art... spend time with family... reflect.

"Me time" is good for your soul, for your inner being. I need not go anywhere to get recharged. This is how I get recharged. =) Have a restful, reflective Holy Week!

Monday, March 22, 2010


For the record, this is not about me. I did not break up with someone, not even in the process of doing so simply because my status is NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP. However, The next time I get into one, its for keeps. After all, I waited this long, it should be worth my wait. I am an observer though a very recent bad break-up - yet again! I'm not whatsoever involved in it but somehow, it affected me because it involves someone close to my heart.

No such thing as "parting in sweet sorrow". Break-ups are painful, devastating (which is why I don't intend to go through it again.) and can get downright ugly. Its because it involves emotions and emotions doesn't make one think, only feel which makes one act on impulse that is not a good thing. Before you know it, You already did something regrettable. How often do you watch the news and hear countless stories about 'crimes of passion or incidents involving lovers quarreling which leads to violence, court case or even death?

Can't help but think why does it have to end that way.... Yes, breaking up is hard to do. Both parties hurt all the same.Stop pushing it because if its going to work out, this won't be happening in the first place. When one keeps pushing it, the more complicated it gets. So, Let go! One always has a choice to think before they act or before something comes out of their mouth. Think if this is a battle worth fighting for... some battles are better left not fought because its not even worth it. I believe that this kind of circumstance reveal your upbringing, class and breeding whether you have one or not. Think about your immediate family before doing something you might end up regretting. You represent them, don't put yourself or them in the " Hall of Shame."

Sometimes, the best way to do it is to simply turn your back with your dignity intact, handle it with grace and keep yourself together - at least try then try harder. Time heals, I should know. =)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


You don't need a lot of friends just the real ones. I am thankful I am blessed with real ones who I know I will grow old with. Spring Clean! Its good for your heart. Eliminate and get rid of the fair-weathered ones especially the BAD EGGS! You don't need them. Life's too short to waste time with them!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Thought I put together the stuff I got in Baguio when we went up recently so last Sunday, I hosted Brunch for a couple of friends after church service. We just stayed in and watched the Pacquiao-Clottey fight for free in my laptop ( The wonders of technology!). Presenting moi's version of the Strawberry Shortcake which we had for dessert.
Its Pretty easy : Sliced Rum Cake at the bottom layer. ( Le Chef at the Manor has the best Rum Cake for me), spread mix of cream cheese and all purpose cream on top of the Rum Cake. Top it with sliced Strawberries then pour a little sugar syrup on top. This was a real KNOCK OUT! =)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beee Happy =)

Nyahaha... I saw this picture in Facebook Monday last week and it was more than enough to send me a fit of giggles, laughing till my cheek hurt and i cry. Even just the mere thought of it still makes me laugh out loud, 6 days after.  I'm so sorry, sheesh, I'm not really mean... couldn't help it. Kawawa naman si Jollibee. Why did this happen? Is her feet too big for the escalator? The costume was too heavy? Create your own theory.  Have an awesome week ahead!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oh so true...

" You'll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have..."

Our journey is never easy, the road will not always be smooth. Life may be hard. But His grace is 'sufficient' enough to carry us through and His strength becomes our strength. Depend on Him alone.

" I can do everything through him who gives me strength."  - Philippians 4: 13 

Have a nice day! =-)



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who are you voting for?

I was reading Cito Beltran's column in The Star today. He wrote about 'inter-dependency'. The common question nowadays is  "Who will improve my life?" meaning, who among those running in this election will help improve the quality and condition of our lives in this poverty stricken country. I am pretty sure everyone as early as now has already someone in mind who to vote for. I wonder how you  think in these terms, Are you like those who are in the D class  who thinks in terms of their real needs? The middle class who is looking for validation in making the intelligent choices? Or the rich who thinks in terms as to what advantages will voting for whoever bring to them?

More importantly, I wonder where your hope is tied to? Is it in this candidates? Of course, we all want a better Philippines, a brighter future for the next generation. While my hope is in God, not in men, I am taking time to think things through the names who will be on my list come May 10.

I would just like to repeat what he quoted in the article. " It’s not WHOM you vote or HOW you vote that will improve your life. It is WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU HAVE AND WHO YOU HAVE that determines HOW YOU LIVE. And don’t forget in all things God FIRST, not politicians! "

and I have to agree with that, 100%...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Its not about me...

Funny how people perceive that I am " Superwoman ". During a chat conversation with a friend this morning, he said I was too Superwoman then added " Magpaka-Lois Lane ka naman "... Ganon? I just laughed at the remark. They just think I am Superwoman with supernatural strength and comes with powers?  How I wish! But really, its not about me. I am just your typical Jane. I have my own vulnerabilities, imperfections, needs, longings, feelings. Yeah, my Kryptonites! What they see is no defense mechanism either nor a disguise to mask something up. Its not about me, never was, never will be. Its all about "HIM" who created me. Every single day i ask for His Grace, for His Wisdom, for His Strength to see me though. I depend on Him, I trust Him. I cry out to Him, I run to Him. I don't have all the answers to life's questions, I seek the answers myself...

And so friend, thank you for thinking I am a Superwoman. I take that as a compliment but really, I am Lois Lane still waiting for my Superman. Labo ba? hehehe.... =)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cheezy.... =)

In the spirit of Valentines this weekend. Here are some cheezy pick-up lines. Yeah, can be pretty baduy and annoying but hey... the baduy things are those you never forget, right? Enjoy....

1. Mahilig ka ba magluto ng pansit canton? Kasi pagkasama kita, feeling ko, " LUCKY ME"
2. Sana T nalang ako, so I can always be next to U.
3. Are you a dictionary? Because you add meaning to my life.
4. Kung posporo ka, at posporo din ako, eh di match tayo.
5. Dalawang beses lang naman kitang nais makasama... Now and Forever
6. Mabilis ka siguro mag-puzzle kasi kakasimula pa lang ng araw ko pero nabuo mo na kaagad.
7. Do you have a license? Coz you are driving me crazy
8. I forgot your name, can I call you mine?
9. I am a bee, can you be my honey?
10. Are you a crayon? Coz you gave my life some color
11. Can you give me CPR? You just took my breath away
12. Are you a  broom? Coz you just swept me off my feet
13. Centrum ka ba? Coz you make my life complete
14. Are you religious? Coz you are the answer to my prayers....

Ngyehehehe. There are a lot more. These are just some that made me laugh. Cheers to love and laughter! Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Of Kings and Queens

If a man expects to be served like a King, He should also make sure the woman is treated like a Queen....