Sunday, March 27, 2011

Are we ready?

One of my greatest fears living in the 34/F is being home when an Earthquake happens. I have experienced it twice (Thank God, I didn't feel the latest one.) and I'm thankful that it wasn't a major one unlike what happened recently in Christchurch, NZ, Japan and Myanmar.  Still, it makes me think that if a major one happens, am I ready for it? I don't think no amount of preparedness will make one really ready when the inevitable happens. Just thinking the flight of stairs I would need to go through to get out of the building makes me tired already. However, I think its important that we all know what to do. Here are some survival tips I read from different sites that maybe helpful :

1. Have an Earthquake readiness plan handy and share it with everyone living with you.
2.Contrary to what they often say to say under the door frame or under the table, DON'T! It might break.
3. Remember the Triangle of life - stay within the angles of an invisible triangle but make sure you are not under one where breakables may fall on your head.
4. Curl up into fetus position but use your hand to protect your head.
5. Stay indoors until the shaking stops, grab your emergency earthquake kit if you have and head out to the fire exit as fast as you could.
6. Go down and out as fast as you could because there will surely be aftershocks.
7. Once you are outdoors, stay on an open area free from  buildings, trees and power lines and lie on the ground.
8.  Pray! Pray really hard.

Now I mentioned an Earthquake kit. I think it is only sensible to have one. Your Earthquake kit should have the following basics inside a bag/backpack which is situated near where you can easily grab it :
- A Hard Hat ( used by construction workers)
- A whistle on a chain so you can wear it.
- Flashlight and spare batteries.
- Blanket
- Water
- Food that does not need cooking or complicated opening such as crackers or energy bar.
- Small Towel.
- Medicines, Cotton, Betadine.
- Passport (get it ready and accessible)

Hope this is helpful! Cheers! =)

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