Friday, December 31, 2010

10 for 2010

As 2010 draws by to a close, I thought it would be nice to look back at the year that is about to pass in about 9 hours. Honestly, it was a challenging year and I barely got by, the word for it, "I survived!" and that is enough reason to be thankful. So here is my list : Highlights: 10 for 2010. =)

1. Thankful for Gods Sovereignty over a matter that would have compromised our beliefs but God pulled through and His will was done. It wasn't easy, it was painful but there was peace and an overflow of love. Praise Him.

2. Thankful for a new Leadership Group under Jenn and new sisters in Faith.

3. Thankful for my T.G.I.M. group - my Monday family. For the new friends who are now part of our family and for the rest who are growing in faith and in their love for God. May this family keep growing and may our ties be stronger.

4. Thankful that I passed my written comprehensive exam. I am still not done and am honestly getting frustrated for the delay but Gods timing is always the perfect time. I hope to finish and pass my project paper the soonest and graduate and move on.

5. Thankful for the privilege of leading my ministry (crafts for children's church) and the faithful volunteers who are excellent. I couldn't ask for a more dedicated team. I am so blessed. May they be doubly blessed and may we continue to uphold the highest standards to glorify God for the talent.

6. Thankful for our Singapore trip last September. Grateful for another bonding moment with my family and spending some time with good friends now based in Singapore. Thankful for the experience of staying in a great expensive hotel. Indeedy, it was a favor. =)

7. Thankful that although business has not been doing very well and we almost closed down, we are still hanging on. It was difficult to let some people who served you well and with loyalty go but it was needed to stay in the game. I hope the coming year will be a better one business-wise.

8. Thankful for a loving family - we overflow. Family is always my #1 priority and to have everyone (well, not quite since my brother-in-law was not able to come) here for my birthday was really special. Glad that my sister and niece were able to come home. Nothing comes close to making moments count - especially with family. I didn't need a big party or to have very expensive gifts. Having them around was more than enough.

9. Thankful for meeting "The One". For falling in Love and not loosing myself. We are just beginning. I've long been praying for my 'Soul Mate'. He is the best surprise that was in store for me this year. God is a promise-keeper. Greatest gift of all. Yey! =)

10. Thankful for Gods grace that carried me though the bumps of 2010, For His Faithfulness when I am not. For hanging on to me when times when I almost gave up. For the hope when I felt hopeless and helpless and His steadfast Love even when I am undeserving.

" Hopeful Anticipation " - Wow! Now that was the word during the start of 2010 for me. Today, I read it again from a Pastors Blog. It shall continue through 2011, I claim! Bigger things are in store, the best is yet to come. May His promises come to pass, may breakthroughs happen and may prayers be answered. Happy New Beginnings! Cheers to a Blessed 2011 ahead! =)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Surviving Christmas! =)

Whew! Today is the day after Christmas and I survived! Woohoo! I was overwhelmed with the busy season and some circumstances beyond my control (which I had a hard time letting go of) plus I was feeling lonely that my sister and her family can't make it home. Somehow, I lost my joy and excitement and I honestly did not feel it. It kicked in the last minute and I'm just so glad it did. 'Twas a peaceful, quiet and joyful Christmas Eve. Different as we were virtually and not physically together but united at heart nevertheless. I guess its all a matter of accepting some things and counting the blessings. I'm just so thankful that Christmas is also a time when we can be with the people we dearly love and are important to us - our families. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. And oh, I got a few things from my Christmas wishlist. Yey! Next Christmas will be a better one definitely and that is something to look forward to 12 months from now. =)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Christmas 2010 Wishlist

I know its kinda late and Christmas Eve is tomorrow night. My previous blog was about 8 special gifts that you can give for free. Well, this is just a Wish List of things I want and hoping to get. Dreams are free. I have lots of gifts under the tree and I can't wait to open them like a giddy child. =) I am thankful for all of them and I appreciate the thought and gesture. Santa, I've been good, please don't cross me off your list. This is in no particular order :

1. A round-trip ticket to London to be with my sister, brother-in-law and niece. I miss them so and I really wish that our family is complete for Christmas.

2. Apple Mac Book Pro - I am currently using an HP and not a Mac. Ok, its a just a want not really a necessity. =)

3. Ipad - Like the Mac Book Pro, a want but not a necessity. Am i sounding defensive? =)

4. An Android Phone - This is way cooler than an Iphone. Not that I don't love my I-phone. =)

5. An  LV Neverfull - Ok, i confess I am a "Bag Whore". I think the Neverfull is one of the best bags, very practical and its literally Neverfull. I already have the Damier Neverfull, now I want a classic. =)

6. I love Philosophy Products. This is my craving for the moment. A Chocolate flavored Shower Gel. Smells so yummy! =)

7. Clean Ultimate Eu de Parfum - This is my scent of choice. Smells and feels so Fresh like I just stepped out of the shower.

8. A new watch - Oh did I mention I am also a 'Watch whore '? I can never have enough watches. Meanwhile, let me dream of getting what I don't have yet...

9. Infinity Ring - from Links of London - Its love at first sight!!!! I want this. Simple but Pricey though
10. A necklace with A letter pendant with Diamonds - Oh yeah Baby - Diamonds are a girls best friend. This is not the actual one that i want, this has no diamonds on it but its Tiffany's.

Whats on your Christmas Wish list?

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

8 Special Gifts

In this season of austerity, Christmas should not always be about material gifts. The best gifts are those which maybe heartfelt and sometimes unseen. Here are some gifts you can freely give not just on Christmas but everyday.

1. The gift of Love - Everyone has a deep need to be loved and it is one of the best gifts we can give and receive, may it be expressed in different languages. We all have the capacity to love because He first love us.So freely share the Love. Its the only thing that matters.

2. The gift of Time - Quality and not quantity time. Giving time equates to saying "You are valuable to me". Sometimes, people just want to be given importance. It is giving someone undivided attention. The gift of time and togetherness also equates to Love.

3. The gift of Forgiveness - This is actually a 2-way gift since it benefits both the giver and receiver. When you release forgiveness, you let go of an emotional burden that you carry when you bear grudges. Forgiveness is a decision more than a choice when it involves the emotions. Forgiveness brings a blessing both to the giver and the receiver.

4. The gift of Kindness -  Random acts of kindness are always highly appreciated. A nice gesture, a word of comfort, a bright smile and a little help goes a long long way. Very rewarding gift as well as it gives back.
5. The gift of Friendship - No man is an island, we all need somebody in good times and in bad. It takes time and a relationship to make friendships last. You don't need many friends, you just need the real ones and its such a blessing to have this gift.

6. The gift of Laughter - One of the best gifts we can give is to share joy and happiness to others. As they say, Laughter is the best medicine. It can cure a cold or improve a mood, it can brighten up a day and make you feel light. I love to laugh. It is sheer delight. =)

7. The gift of Self - When you put others before yourself, consider their needs before your own then you are giving a gift of you. Selflessness equates to love.

8. The gift of Prayer - While there are times we can't do anything to help or we can't find the right words to say at the right time, this is the best gift we can ever give someone.

Indeed, the best things in life are free. So are the best gifts. May you have a Wonderful Christmas! Cheers!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Ways to beat the Holiday Blues and tips for a Stress-free Christmas Season

The consumerism of Christmas and the stress that goes with it can really get to us if we don't watch it. We are all faced with different circumstances that may cause the blues. It takes you a usual longer time to get from point A to point B these days and those annoying cab drivers who are picky with riders don't help either. We may be faced with different stresses but we always have a choice. Here are some ways I want to share to beat the holiday blues and have a stress-free Christmas :

1. Think about the real essence of the season and Thank Him - The reason for the season is bigger than any of our circumstance and there is No Greater Love than His love for us. That is enough reason to be thankful and joyful as we celebrate the birth of His son who died so we may live. Focus and fix our eyes on the Celebrant.

2. Exercise - Do some sporty stuff, hit the gym or at least the treadmill.  Exercise will reduce anxiety and stress. Physical Activity stimulates various brain chemicals that will improve your mood and make you feel good and happy. Plus with all the eating that comes with the season, exercise is beneficial to help you not gain a pound. =)

3. Be kind to yourself - 'Me time' is very important to me and I think so is to everyone else.Its all a matter of balance and not depriving yourself of sleep. Pamper yourself. Get a massage, a facial, a manicure/pedicure. Go to the Salon to change your look by all means.  Sometimes, its what it takes to beat the blues.

4. Count your blessings - There are so much to be thankful for in life. What are you thankful for today, this week, this month, this year, throughout your life?  Make a list so you may always be reminded of Gods goodness in your life. An attitude of gratitude spells out the difference. Make someone happy too, express your gratitude. Even a note or just saying thank you can brighten up your and someone else's day.

5. Share your blessings - There are so many who needs help. When you have an overflow, sharing it with others comes naturally. As you empty yourself out and pour heaps of blessings to others so you are refilled. Nothing beats seeing the smile you put on someone's face. Pray for them, give what you can.

6. Play Christmas Songs - That is what I am doing as I write this. Play Happy Christmas songs that will remind you of good times and not sad times. Sing along with the songs. It will definitely pick up your mood.

7. Spend time with Happy People - Because their joy is contagious and chances are, they will rub it off on you. Its the same when you hang out with toxic people. Ain't it true, Spend time with the people who matter, who loves you and who you love. It will make you happier. Laughter is always the best medicine.

My other tips would include( I do this and will continue to do so in the next Christmasses )

8. Plan ahead - Plan your schedules, plan your Christmas Dinner Menus way before the Holiday Season starts.

9. Order out or Potluck - You don't always have to slave in the kitchen when you have dinner parties. Its important that you relax and enjoy your guests as well. Sometimes, I just cook pasta and order a chicken dish and BBQ and get dessert.  Planned Potluck is the way to go nowadays. I ask people to bring a specific dish, drink or dessert for our get togethers. When there are quite a number of guests that we are inviting, its a better option to have the meals catered. Less stressful even for the staff.

10. Shop ahead - Grocery Shopping i mean. The Supermarket is one of the craziest places to go these days. Literally because the lines are so long. Everyone is preparing for their own celebrations too.

11. Shop for gifts all year round - I hate last minute shopping. I feel as though I am not able to give the best gifts when its not well-thought of and bought rushed.  Better yet, keep a gift box or a gift closet at home where you can store what you buy ahead.

12. Decorate ahead - While I know for some they put up their tree after thanksgiving. My tradition is to start decorating first week of November. When the house looks Chrismassy, its easy to get on the spirit. And if you are like me who loves Christmas - it is definitely a pick-me-up.

So there... I hope that this has been helpful. May you enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas! Cheers! =)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A time to live and a time to die...

I heard of such sad news tonight that one of my dear friends who I haven't spent time with for quite a long time passed away.... and once again I am reminded how our time on Earth can be very brief.

I thought of a conversation with my dad earlier tonight when while watching tv, He asked if I believed in predestination. I said of course, all days of our lives have been predestined even before we were born. God knew beforehand the plans He has for us, even when and how we will die.

Our life is a gift and to show our appreciation to the life-giver, we ought to make our lives count that He may be glorified. Enjoy life but stay within bounderies. That is how to live free and peaceful. Its so true that we ought to " Dance like no one is watching. Love like you've never been hurt. Sing like no one is listening and live like its Heaven on Earth." Leave no room for regrets! =)