Sunday, April 11, 2010

The little things...

Its the little things that count that can pile up and burst.... I'm nearing there. The walls are building up, needs to be broken. May God heal my heart and sustain me with so much grace to keep loving. I know I said Love is a choice and yes, inspite... I am still choosing to love and forgive and trying to forget. Sigh!!!! So hard. =(

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Essense of the Cross...

Today, being Good Friday. I am once again reminded of how I was bought with a high price by the blood of Jesus. I am thankful to the Father God  who has loved me and still loves me like no other. I was undeserving because of my sins but I am now deserving because I have acknowledge His son as my Lord and Savior and by His Grace. Through Christ's act of Substitution, I am saved. Thank You Jesus for dying in the cross for me. I Love You. =)

Of Past Birthdays and Easter...

Oh I am so happy that my birthday did not fall on holy week this year. There were years when my birthday would fall on either of the 4 days, usually Black Saturday. Back when I was a practicing Catholic, my birthday was not fun because we were not allowed to have fun, we cannot party, we cannot even eat meat. ( Ooh, I love Steak!) - torture... Instead, we would join a procession, pray, go to mass,  do stations of the cross, listen to the seven last words. There were also years when I birthday would fall on an Easter Sunday... Happier times. The highlight of my birthday party would be an Easter Egg Hunt, giving away a pet bunny for a prize or colored chicks for giveaways. =)

Last year, my birthday almost fell on another holy week. I opted to celebrate earlier ( during Black Saturday since we didn't go anywhere anyway) by sponsoring a feeding program for kids (with plastic eggs with candies inside and loot bags for giveaways) then the next day ( Easter Sunday)  letting my friends unleash their creativity,competitive streak and child within them asking them to decorate their own Easter Eggs and giving away prizes... That was fun indeed.

Now I don't have plans yet for my upcoming birthday. Maybe, I will opt for a quiet, simple celebration. Its more than enough to have my family (except for my brother-in-law) here complete on my special day. I couldn't ask for anything more or could I? =)

" Me time..."

While most people I know and probably half of urban dwellers are taking this time to enjoy the 4 day holiday far from the city, we (my family and I) actually preferred to stay in. No, we are far from being anti-socials. Its just that we will be off to Cebu next week for my cousin Maita's wedding. It is wonderful and refreshing to see the metropolis uncrowded, no traffic and so quiet. I so love the quietness. I don't miss those annoying campaign jingles at all that blares so loud if i could just shush them off.  For the past years when we opt not to join the crowd during holy week, its always been the same and I love it. I am traditional but not a traditional Catholic. Well, I am not Catholic either so I have no religious obligations.  This is basically "Me time" or "Family time". Time to do whatever makes me happy like catch up with sleep... pamper myself... get a watch videos... art... spend time with family... reflect.

"Me time" is good for your soul, for your inner being. I need not go anywhere to get recharged. This is how I get recharged. =) Have a restful, reflective Holy Week!